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We are a strong community of faculty and students who work together to generate advances in mechanical and aerospace engineering aimed at addressing a range of challenges in our world.



Prepare for your future: Our rigorous academic programs equip you to succeed in a wide variety of exciting and challenging occupations.


Micro to macro: Conduct research alongside our faculty on a range of topics from nanotechnologies to aircraft design.

Student Experience

Get the best of both worlds:  Enjoy the personal attention of our small department and the wide range of opportunities available in Washington, DC.

Upcoming Events




The effect of stable thermal stratification on turbulent boundary layer statistics and structure

November 8, 2014

Owen Williams, PhD Gas Dynamics Laboratory Princeton University

Bio-inspired flow sensing, control, and acuation for autonomous underwater vehicles

November 7, 2014

Dr. Derek A. Paley Willis H. Young Jr. Associate Professor Aerospace Engineering Education UMD