Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) Thermal-Hydraulics Program Summary 2002-2013

February 21, 2015

Steve Bajorek
Senior Technical Advisor
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Thursday, February 19, 2015
11:00 am
800 22nd Street NW, SEH 3040
Washington, DC 20052

Hosted by: Dr. Philippe Bardet ([email protected])

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been conducting thermal-hydraulics research using the Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) facility since 2001.  An overview of the facility and test programs will be presented, as well as a summary of several important new findings obtained by this research.  Also to be discussed is use of RBHT data in the regulatory process and in the development of the TRACE thermal-hydraulic code. 

Steve Bajorek is the Senior Technical Advisor for Thermal-Hydraulics at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Previously, he worked for Westinghouse Electric and was a faculty member at Kansas State University.  He earned an MS and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Notre Dame, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State.