James D. Lee

James D. Lee
Professor, P.E.
James D. Lee
Office Phone:
SEH 4630 | Office Hours: By appointment
Professor James Lee and his research group conduct theoretical, analytical, and numerical research in continuum mechanics, molecular dynamics, thermomechanical-electromagnetic coupling phenomena, and multiple scale modeling. His current research interests include concurrent multiscale modeling from atoms to continuum, mechanobiology, material force for fracture mechanics, and advanced finite element analysis for shape memory materials.
- Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971
- M.S., Rice University, 1967
- B. S., National Taiwan University 1964
- Continuum Mechanics
- Molecular Dynamics
- Multiscale Modeling
- Finite Element Analysis
- Mechanobiology
- Materials Science
- Control Theory and Robotics
- Boresi A. P., Chong K. P., and Lee, J. D., Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., Meshless Methods in Solid Mechanics, Springer, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Wang X., Li J., Lee J.D. and Eskandarian A., On the Multiscale Modeling of Multiple Physics in Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics (edited by S. Li and X. Gao), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, 2013.
- Lijie Zhang, Jiaoyan Li and James D. Lee. "Cartilage and Bone Repair and Regeneration", Nanomedicine: technologies and applications, 2011.
- Lee J. D. and Chen J., Sensitivity of interatomic potentials in multiscale modeling of fracture in Multiscaling of Synthetic and Natural systems with Self-Adaptive Capability(edited by G. C. Sih and C.K. Chao), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 41-44, 2010
- Chen J. and Lee J. D., Dynamic characteristics of nano/micro biosensors in Multiscaling of Synthetic and Natural systems with Self-Adaptive Capability(edited by G. C. Sih and C.K. Chao), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 77-80, 2010
- Lee J. D., Wang X. and Chen J., An overview of micromorphic theory in Multiscaling of Synthetic and Natural systems with Self-Adaptive Capability (edited by G. C. Sih and C.K. Chao), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 81-84, 2010
- Lee J. D., Chen Y., Wang, X., Extending Micromorphic Theory to Atomic Scale in Mechanics of Generalized Continua (edited by Gérard A. Maugin and Andrei V. Metrikine), Springer, 109-117, 2010
- Chen Y., Lee J. D., Lei Y. and Xiong L., A Multiscale Field Theory: Nano/Micro Materials, in Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano (edited by G. C. Sih), Springer, 23-65, 2006.
- Lee J. D., Chen Y. Eskandarian A., Lei Y., Zeng W. and Xiong L., “Multiscale material modeling: theories and applications”, Multiscale Damage Related to Environment Assisted Cracking(edited by G. C. Sih, S. T. Tu and Z. D. Wang), East Chinese University of Science and Technology Press, 301-310, 2005.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Atomistic Formulation of A Microscopic Field Theory”, Influence of Traditional Mathematics and Mechanics on Modern Science and Technology, Fundamentals and applications related to physics and engineering problems (edited by G. C. Sih and C. P. Spyropoulos), 95-109, Eptalofos S.A., 2004
- Lee J. D. and Chen Y., “Material forces in multiphase micromorphic continuum”, Multiscaling in Applied Science and Emerging Technology, Fundamentals and Applications in Mesomechanics (edited by G. C. Sih, Th. Kermanidisand Sp. Pantelakis), University of Patras, 493-499, 2004.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Field representation of atomic N-body problem”, World Congress of Computational Mechanics VII, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, 2004.
- Chen Y., Eskandarian A., Oskard M. S. and Lee J. D., “Meshless analysis of crack propagation in multiphase micromorphic solids”, World Congress of Computational Mechanics VII, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, 2004
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Finding material constants in micromorphic theory through phonon dispersion relations”, Advance in Computational Engineering &Science (edited by S.N. Atluri and D.W. Pepper),Tech Science Press2002.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Local and nonlocal meshless method of fracture mechanics”, Advance in Computational Engineering &Science (edited by S.N. Atluri and D.W. Pepper), Tech Science Press2002.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Meshless particle methods for nonlocal continua”, Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (edited by Atluri, Nishioka and Kikuchi), Tech Science Press, 2001.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “On micropolar field theory and its applications”, Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (edited by Atluri, Nishioka and Kikuchi), Tech Science Press, 2001.
- Lee J. D. and Chen Y., “ A generalized friction law and its application on metal forming (rolling) process”, Role of Mesomechanics for Development of Science and Technology, (edited by G. G. Sih), Tsinghua University Press, 315-324, 2000.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., Relations of two continuum theories of liquid crystals, in Ordered Fluids and Liquid Crystals (edited by Porter and Johnson), 315-330, American Chemical Society Publications, 1974.
- Eringen A. C. and Lee J. D., Continuum theory of cholesteric liquid crystals, in Ordered Fluids and Liquid Crystals (edited by Porter and Johnson), 383-402, American Chemical Society Publication, 1974.
Journal Papers
- Yang, Z., Lee, J. D., and Liu, I., “On non-equilibrium molecular dynamics with Euclidean objectivity”, Acta Mechanics, 2016, doi:10.1007/s00707-016-1735-x
- Wang, L., Lee, J. D., and Kan, C. D., “Work conjugate pair of stress and strain in molecular dynamics”, International Journal of Smart and Nano Material, DOI:10.1080/19475411.2016.1233141;2
- Liu, I-Shih, and Lee, J. D., “On material objectivity of intermolecular force in molecular dynamics.” Acta Mechanica, DOI:10.1007/s00707-016-1729-8, 2016.
- Yang, Z. Lee, J. D., and Eskandarian, A., “Objectivity in molecular dynamics simulations.” International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering, 8(1), 79-92, 2016.
- Wang, L., Li, J., Lee, J. D., “Work conjugate strain of virial stress.” International Journal of Smart and Nano Material, 7(1), 2016.
- Holmes B, Zhu W., Li J., Lee J. D., and Zhang L. G., “Development of Novel Three-Dimensional Printed Scaffolds for Osteochondral Regeneration.” Tissue Engineering Part A, 2014.
- Zhang, Z., Wang, X., and Lee, J. D., “An atomistic methodology of energy release rate for graphene at nanoscale.” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 114314, 2014
- Lee J.D., Li J. and Zhang Z., “Material Force in Micromorphic Plasticity”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-014-0888-0, 2014.
- Li, J. and Lee, J., “Stiffness-Based Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics.” J. Nanomech. Micromech. 4, Special Issue: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Physical Phenomena of Material Systems, B4013002. 2014.
- Li J. and Lee J.D., “Reformulation of Nosé-Hoover Thermostat for Heat Conduction Simulation at Nanoscale”, Acta Mechanica, 225, 4-5, 1223-1233, 2014.
- Li J., Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Multiple Time Scale Algorithm for Multiscale Material Modeling”, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science, 85, 463-480, 2012.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Heat Wave Driven by Nanoscale Mechanical Impact between C60 and Graphene”, Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, 2, 23-27, 2012.
- Li J., Lee J.D. and Chong K.P., "Multiscale Analysis of Composite Material Reinforced by Randomly-Dispersed Particles", International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 3, 2-13, 2012.
- Wang X. and Lee JD., “Temperature-driven Nanopump: Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9, 92-96, 2012.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Heat Resistance of Carbon Nanoonions by Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 4(4), 247-255, 2011.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Mechanics of Nanobuckling: an Atomistic Field Simulation,” International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering, 3(2): 185-190, 2011.
- Lee, J.D. and Wang, X., “Generalized Micromorphic Solids and Fluids”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 49(12), 1378-1387, 2011.
- Chen J., Lee, JD and Liang C., “Constitutive Equations of Micropolar Electromagnetic Fluids”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 867–874, 2011.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., "Effects of Electric Fields on Nanocrack Propagation", International Journal of Fracture, 169(1), 27-38, 2011.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., "Wave Propagating Across Atomic-Continuum Interface", Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91(5), 375-386, 2011.
- Zeng X., Wang X, Lee J.D. and Lei Y., “Multiscale modeling of nano/micro systems by a multiscale continuum field theory”, Computational Mechanics, 47(2), 205-216, 2011.
- Wang X., Lee J. D. and Deng Q., “Modeling and Simulation of wave propagation based on atomistic field theory”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 78(2), 021012, 2011.
- Chen J., Liang C., Lee J.D., “Theory and Simulation of Micropolar Fluid Dynamics”, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 224 (1-2), 31-39, 2010.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Coarse-Grained non-Equilibrium Simulations of Crystalline Materials at Nano Scale”, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 224 (1-2), 55-68, 2010.
- Wang. X. and Lee J.D., "An Atom-Based Continuum Method for Multi-element Crystals at Nano Scale", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 69(3), 199-222, 2010.
- Wang X. and Lee, J.D., "Atomistic Simulation of MgO Nanowires Subject to Electromagnetic Wave", Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 085010, 2010
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Nano-Piezoelectricity in BaTiO3: an Atomistic/Continuum Simulation”, Advanced Science Letters, 3(4), 422-427, 2010.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Concurrent atomistic/continuum simulation of thermo-mechanical coupling phenomena”, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 62(2), 150-170, 2010.
- Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Micromorphic theory: a gateway to nano world”, International journal of smart and nano materials, 1(2), 115-135, 2010.
- Chen J. and Lee J.D., “Atomic formulation of nano-piezoelectricity in barium titanate”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2(1), 26-29, 2010.
- Chen J. and Lee J.D., “Atomistic analysis of nano/micro biosensors”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 3(2), 111-121, 2010.
- Chen J., Wang X., Wang H., and Lee J.D., “Multiscale modeling of dynamic crack propagation”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 77(4), 736-743, 2010.
- Chen J. and Lee J. D., “Multiscale modeling of fracture of MgO: Sensitivity of interatomic potentials”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 53, 74-79, 2010.
- Deng Q., Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “An investigation of the microscopic mechanism of fracture and healing processes in cortical bone”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 18, 491-502, 2009.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Investigation of mechanical properties of ZSM-5-based materials through MD simulations”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 18, 677-686, 2009.
- Lee J. D., Wang X. and Chen Y., “Multiscale material modeling and its application to a dynamic crack propagation problem”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 51(1), 33-40, 2009.
- Lee J. D., Wang X. and Chen Y., “Multiscale computation for nano/micromaterials”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135(3), 192-202, 2009.
- Chen Y., Lee J.D. and Xiong L., “A generalized continuum theory and its relation to micromorphic theory”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135(3), 149-155, 2009.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Modeling and simulation of Boron-doped nanocrystalline silicon carbide thin film by a field theory”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(2), 1034-1037, 2009.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “A continuum theory for modeling the dynamics of crystalline materials”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(2), 1242-1245, 2009.
- Lei Y., Lee J.D. and Zeng X., “Response of a rocksalt crystal to electromagnetic wave modeled by a multiscale field theory”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 1(4), 467-476, 2008.
- Lee, J. D. and Chen Y., Modeling and simulation of a single crystal based on a multiscale field theory”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 50, 243-247, 2008.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Simulation of dislocation nucleation and motion in single crystal magnesium oxide by a field theory”, Computational Material Science, 42, 168-177, 2008.
- Lei Y., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Atomistic study of lattice structure of BiScO3”, Computational Materials Science, 41, 242-246, 2007.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Atomistic simulation of mechanical properties of diamond and silicon carbide by a field theory”, Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 15, 535-551, 2007.
- Lee J.D., Chen Y., Zeng, W., Eskandarian A. and Oskard M. S., “Modeling and simulation of osteoporosis and fracture of trabecular bone by meshless method”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 45, 329-338, 2007.
- Xiong L., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Atomistic measure of the strength of MgO nanorods”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 46(3), 202-208, 2006.
- Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Conservation laws at nano/micro scales”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 1, 681-704, 2006.
- Chen Y., Lee J.D. and Xiong L., “Stresses and strains at nano/micro scales”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 1, 705-723, 2006.
- Chen Y., Lee J.D., Eskandarian A and Oskard M. S., “Meshless analysis of multiphase materials”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 45, 13-17, 2006.
- Zeng X., Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Determining material constants in nonlocal micromorphic theory through phonon dispersion relations”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 44, 1334-1345, 2006.
- Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Atomistic Formulation of A Multiscale Theory for Nano/Micro Physics”, Philosophical Magazine, 85, 4095-4126, 2005.
- Lee J.D. and Chen Y., “Material forces in micromorphic thermoelastic solids”, Philosophical Magazine, 85, 3897-3910, 2005.
- Chen Y., Lee J.D., Eskandarian A and Oskard M. S., “Meshless analysis of high-speed impact”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 44, 201-207, 2005.
- Chen Y. and Lee J.D., “Material force for dynamic crack propagation in multiphase micromorphic materials”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 43, 335-341, 2005.
- Lee J.D., Chen Y. and Eskandarian A., “A micromorphic electromagnetic theory”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 2099-2110, 2004.
- Chen Y., Lee J.-D., and Eskandarian A., “Atomistic viewpoint of the applicability of microcontinuum theories”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 2085-2097, 2004.
- Lee J. D. and Chen Y., “Electromagnetic wave propagation in micromorphic elastic solids”, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 42, 841-848, 2004.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Multiscale modeling of polycrystalline silicon”, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 42, 987-1000, 2004.
- Lee J. D., Chen Y. and Yin S., “Material forces in micromorphic fracture mechanics”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, 6, 889-896, 2004.
- Chen Y., Eskandarian A., Oskard M. S. and Lee J. D., “Meshless analysis of plasticity with application to crack growth problems”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 41, 83-94, 2004.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Micropolar theory and its applications to mesoscopic and microscopic problems”, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 5, 35-44, 2004.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Examining physical foundation of continuum theories from viewpoint of phonon dispersion relations”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, 61-83, 2003.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Atomistic counterpart of micromorphic theory”, Acta Mechanica, 161, 81-102, 2003.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Constitutive relations of micromorphic thermoplasticity”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, 387-399, 2003.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Determining material constants in micromorphic theory through phonon dispersion relations”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, 871-886, 2003.
- Zeng W., Manzari M. T., Lee J. D. and Shen Y. L., “Fully-coupled non-linear analysis of piezoelectric solids involving domain switching”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,56, 13-34, 2003.
- Zeng W., Manzari M. T., Lee J. D. and Shen Y. L., “An analysis of the effect of domain switching on fracture behavior of piezoelectric solids”, Smart Materials and Structures, 12, 88-95, 2003.
- Zeng W., Manzari M. T., Lee J. D. and Shen Y. L., “Domain switching effect on fracture of piezoelectric solids”, Journal of Mechanics Research Communication, 30, 267-275, 2003.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Connecting molecular dynamics to micromorphic theory Part I: instantaneous mechanical variables”, Physica A, 322, 359-376, 2003.
- Chen Y. and Lee J. D., “Connecting molecular dynamics to micromorphic theory Part II: balance laws”, Physica A, 322, 377-392, 2003.
- Chen Y., Lee J. D. and Eskandarian A., “Dynamic meshless method applied to nonlocal cracked problems”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 38, 293-300, 2002.
- Chen Y., Eskandarian A.,Kan C. D. and Lee J. D., “Thermo-plastic effects on structural behavior during crush and impact”, Int. J. Vehicle Design, 30, 22-32, 2002.
- Lee J. D. and Chen Y., “A theory of thermo-visco-elastic-plastic material: thermomechanical coupling in simple shear”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 35,187-209, 2001.
- Shen S. J., Pfister J. C. and Lee J. D., “Stress wave propagation in composite materials”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 11, 407-422, 2001.
- Shen S. J. and Lee J. D., “Thermomechanical behavior of thermoviscoelastic solid during dynamics crack propagation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 127, 672-677, 2001.
- Lee J. D., Manzari M. T., Shen Y. L. and Zeng W., “A finite element approach to transient thermal analysis of work rolls in rolling process”, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122, 706-716, 2000.
- Lee J. D. and Chen Y., "Non-steady-state elastic-plastic behavior of metal forming (rolling) with a generalized friction law,” Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 33, 93-99, 2000.
- Lee J. D. and Shen S. J., “The contact and friction problem in rolling process," Proc. Instn. Mech. Engs., Part K, 214, 61-69, 2000.
- Lee J. D., Shen S. J., Manzari M. T. and Shen Y. L., “Structural control algorithms in earthquake resistant design," Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 4, 67-96, 2000.
- Lee J. D., “A large-strain elastic-plastic finite element Analysis of rolling process," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 161, 315-347, 1998.
- Lee K. Y., Lee J. D. and Liebowitz H., “Finite element analysis of the slow crack growth process in mixed mode fracture”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 56, 551-577, 1997.
- Lee J. D., Lee K. Y. and Liebowitz H., “The quest of a universal fracture law governing the process of slow crack growth”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55, 61-83, 1996.
- Pachajoa M. E., Frances M. K. and Lee J. D., “Stress and failure analysis of composite structures”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 50, 883-902, 1995.
- Haefele P. M. and Lee J. D., “The constant stress term”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 50, 869-882, 1995.
- Haefele P. M. and Lee J. D., “Combination of finite element analysis and analytical crack tip solution for mixed mode fracture”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 50, 849-868, 1995.
- Liebowitz H., Sandhu J. S., Lee J. D. and Menandro F. C. M., “Computational fracture mechanics: research and application”, Engineering Fractures Mechanics, 50, 653-670, 1995.
- Liebowitz H., Sandhu J. S., Menandro F. C. M. and Lee J. D., “Smart computational fracture of materials and structures”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 50, 639-651, 1995.
- Pachajoa M. E., Lee K. Y. and Lee J. D., “Progressive failure analysis of composite structures made of thermo-elastic solids”, Composites Engineering, 4, 503-523, 1994.
- Domani G. L. and Lee J. D., “An investigation of dynamic crack propagation in a two-dimensional viscoelastic solid”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 46, 807-813, 1993.
- Lee J. D., “Optimal control of flexible parallel link robotic manipulator”, Computers & Structures, 48, 375-386, 1993.
- Lee J. D. and Geng Z., “Dynamic model of flexible Stewart platform”, Computers & Structures, 48, 367-374, 1993.
- Geng Z., Haynes L. S., Lee J. D. and Carroll R. L., “On the dynamic model and kinematic analysis of a class of Stewart platforms”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 9, 237-254, 1992.
- Lee J. D., “Application of optimal control theory to flexible robotic manipulators”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 7, 327-335, 1990.
- Chiou J. H., Lee J. D. and Erdman A. G., “Development of a three dimensional finite element program for large strain elastic-plastic solids”, Computers & Structures, 36, 631-645, 1990.
- Lee J. D., Albus J. S., Dagalakis N. G. and Tsai T., “Computer simulation of a parallel link manipulator," Robotics and computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 5, 333-342, 1989.
- Dagalakis N. G., Albus J. S., Wang, B. L., Unger J. and Lee J. D., “Stiffness study of a parallel link robot crane for shipbuilding applications”, ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,111, 183-193, 1989.
- Lee J. D. and Wang B. L., “Dynamic equations for two-link flexible robot arm”, Computers & Structures, 29, 469-477, 1988.
- Lee J. D. and Wang B. L., “Optimal control of flexible robot arm”, Computers & Structures, 29, 459-467, 1988.
- Lee J. D., “Finite element procedures for large strain elastic-plastic theories," Computers & Structures, 28, 395-406, 1988.
- Lee J. D. and Haynes L. S., “Finite element analysis of flexible fixturing system”, J. Engineering for Industry, 109, 134-139, 1987.
- Chiou J. H., Lee J. D. and Erdman A. G., “Comparison between two theories of plasticity”, Computers & Structures, 24, 23-37, 1986.
- Lee J. D., “Finite element formulation of large strain incompressible elastic-plastic solid”, Computers & Structures, 22, 773-783, 1986.
- Lee J. D. and Liebowitz H., “Dynamic crack propagation in elastic solid”, Journal de Physique, ColloqueC5, supplement au no. 8, Tome 46, 257-269, 1985.
- Lee J. D., Du S. and Liebowitz H., “Three-dimensional finite element and dynamic analysis of composite laminate subjected to impact”, Computers & Structures, 19, 807-813, 1984.
- Du S. and Lee J. D., “Variations of various fracture parameters during the process of subcritical crack growth”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 17, 173-183, 1983.
- Du S. and Lee J. D., “Finite element analysis of slow crack growth”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 16, 229-245, 1982.
- Shen W. and Lee J. D., “The nonlinear energy method for mixed mode fracture”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 16, 783-798, 1982.
- Lee J. D., “Three-dimensional finite element analysis of damage accumulation in composite laminate”, Computers & Structures, 15, 335-350, 1982.
- Lee J. D., “Three-dimensional finite element analysis of layered fiber-reinforced composite materials”, Computers & Structures, 12, 319-339, 1980.
- Lee J. D., Liebowitz H. and Subramonian N., “Mechanics of fracture - fundamentals and some recent developments”, Israel Journal of Technology, 17, 273-294, 1979.
- Lee J. D. and Liebowitz H., “Consideration of crack growth and plasticity in finite element analysis”, Computers & Structures, 8, 403-410, 1978.
- Liebowitz H., Lee J. D. and Eftis J., “Biaxial load effects in fracture mechanics”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 10, 315-335, 1978.
- Lee J. D. and Liebowitz H., “The nonlinear and biaxial effects on energy release rate, J-integral and stress intensity factor”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 9, 765-779, 1977.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., “A reply to Shahinpoor's comments on alignment of nematic liquid crystals”, J. Chem. Phys., 63, 1321-1322, 1975.
- Chiu B. M. and Lee J. D., “On the plane problem in micropolar elasticity”, Int. J. Engrg. Sci., 11, 997-1012, 1973.
- Lee J. D. and Koh S. L., “Transverse plane motion of a unidirectional composite”, Letters in Appl. &Engrg. Sci., 1, 407, 1973.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., “Continuum theory of smectic liquid crystals”, J. Chem. Phys., 58, 4203-4211, 1973.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., “Boundary effects on orientation of nematic liquid crystals”, J. Chem. Phys., 55, 4509-4512, 1971.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., “Alignment of nematic liquid crystals”, J. Chem. Phys., 55, 4504-4508, 1971.
- Lee J. D. and Eringen A. C., “Wave propagation in nematic liquid crystals”, J. Chem. Phys., 54, 5027-5034, 1971.
- Lieberman E. D., Lee J. D. and Moon F. C., “Anisotropic ultrasonic wave propagation in a nematic liquid crystal placed in a magnetic field”, Applied Physics Letters,18, 280-281, 1971.
- Fellow, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Member, SIGMA XI, The Scientific Research Society
- SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science, GWU) Distinguished Researcher Award