Professor Michael Keidar Awarded 2024 Technology Maturation Awards for Plasma Jet Device

July 9, 2024

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In the article "Technology Maturation Awards 2024: TCO awards $200,000 in funds to four projects," the GW Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) announced the winners of their Technology Maturation Awards for the 2024 academic year. Among this year's recipients is Dr. Michael Keidar, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, for his technology, a plasma jet device for decontamination.

Here is an excerpt from the article: "Dr. Keidar and his team proposed a plasma medicine technology that addressed the challenges of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. The device uses Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) to target and eliminate the antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the skin by generating free radicals that target the DNA and cell membrane of the bacteria. CAP disrupts bacterial cell membrane, DNA, proteins and metabolic pathways ultimately leading to bacterial inactivation, eliminating bacterial infections without harming surrounding healthy cells. During the project, Dr. Keidar and his team will test and refine the prototypes and perform in-vivo studies to confirm efficacy of decontamination and elimination of bacterial infections."

Read the full article on the GW TCO website.