Genre and Structure: Framing and Organizing Scientific Writing

October 2, 2014

Edward Helfers
University Writing Program
The George Washington University

Wednesday, October 1, 2014, 2:30pm
2020 K Street NW, Room 24
Washington, DC 20052

Hosted by: Dr. Megan Leftwich ([email protected])

Abstract: In this seminar, we will explore the rhetorical features of mechanical engineering papers.  These include: abstracts, introductions, methods, results, and conclusions.  In the process, we will deconstruct successful paragraph shapes and rhetorical patterns.  Students will leave with a better understanding of how to frame their research within disciplinary conventions, and how to organize that research in accessible fashion.  Participants will be asked to read a sample paper beforehand.

Biographical Sketch: Edward Helfers is a faculty member in the University Writing Program at George Washington University.  He has conducted professional writing workshops for Princeton University and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons.  His editing clients include astronomers, engineers, and computer scientists.  His writing—both technical and creative—has appeared in the Nashville Review, The Classical, Web Conjunctions and The Atlantic online.