Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang, working in collaboration with Dr. Michael Keidar, Dr. Michael Plesniak, and Dr. Clifton Meals (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery), respectively, has published the following three papers: 1) W. Zhu, G. Teel, C. O’Brien, T. Zhuang, M. Keidar and L. Zhang. “Enhanced Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Functions on Cathodic Arc Plasma Treated Titanium,” International Journal of Nanomedicine , December 2015; 2) B. Holmes, K. Bulusu, M. Plesniak and L. Zhang. “3D Printed Bone Scaffold with Interconnected Microvascular Mimicking Channels for Highly Efficient Bone Growth,” Nanotechnology, December 2015; and 3) C. Meals, B. Fox, L. Zhang and R.J. Neviaser. “The Effect of Insertion Technique and Surgeon Experience on the Pullout Strength of Orthopedic Screws,” Current Orthopedic Practice, December 2015.
Drs. Zhang, Keidar, Plesniak collaborate on three papers
December 15, 2015