In the article “Givens Associates – Bolstering Argonne’s and the nation’s scientific computing workforce,” Argonne National Laboratory highlights former Givens Associates who now hold positions in the lab’s Mathematics an Computer Science (MCS) division. Among them is GW Engineering alumnus Akash Dhruv, who earned a doctorate in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Here is an excerpt from the article detailing his journey: “Akash Dhruv was a Givens Associate at Argonne in 2018, where he collaborated with the Flash team in the MCS Division to develop efficient solvers for exascale multiphysics simulations. He received his Ph.D. from the George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science in 2021 and joined the MCS division as a postdoctoral appointee. Dhruv says that he chose MCS because it offers the opportunity to collaborate with experts in numerical methods and high-performance computing and also to grow as an independent researcher.”
Read the full article on the Argonne National Laboratory website.